Written by: Anjileen Ali
Edited by: Claire Xin
The majority of high school students go through the college applications process. Many students compete with one another for admission to their preferred college. Good grades and excellent extracurricular activities are an advantage when it comes to building your resume and increasing your chances of getting into a top college or your dream college. However, there is a disadvantage for some certain people. Stereotypically, all Asians are portrayed as book smart and invested in school. As such, people expect Asians to go above and beyond in school-related and non-school-related activities. These misconceptions are prevalent not only in schools, but also in the college admissions process. Whenever Asians apply or send out a bold resume, most colleges do not see anything unique in them due to the overachieving Asian stereotype. As a result, college admissions officers anticipate more from them, making a student's resume appear undesirable. Although many universities accept and reject a large number of students for a variety of reasons, a stereotypical mindset should not be one of them.